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Technology Solutions Business Owners Need To Improve Customer Engagement

Technology has become an integral component of the business process. Prior to the advent of technology, most corporations relied on the traditional form of marketing to boost customer engagement. However, with more technological solutions in place in our present era, businesses are more closely drawn to consumers. For many companies and enterprises, customer engagement is vital to growth and sustenance. Presently, consumers are more focused on the quality of customer engagement than price or product. Businesses that wield more engaging activities have higher tendencies to enlarge their customer bases and network. For this reason, most firms look for ways to improve customer engagement, including the use of the latest technology.

What Is Customer Engagement?

Customer engagement is the emotional bond established between a customer and a business. In other words, it is the ability of a business owner to connect personally with a customer. Businesses with high customer engagement most likely outperform those with none. The stronger your connection with consumers, the more products and services they patronize, promote, and stay loyal to your brand. The reason some businesses lose customers over time is due to poor customer engagement. These business owners do not know how to relate to the needs of their consumers; hence, they record low patronage and profit, in turn.

What Makes Customer Engagement Important?

A fully-engaged customer has the ability to generate 23% more revenue than an average customer. Businesses without this marketing strategy lose out of various business opportunities. Such business owners will not be able to interact and build solid relationships with consumers. Interestingly, there is no one-size-fits-all engagement strategy for all industries. However, technology has made it easier for business owners to connect more with their customers. IT solutions are so dynamic, scalable, and diverse, that they fit all business sizes and industries.

How To Improve Customer Engagement

Technology has contributed to the growth of several businesses across the globe. Small, mid-sized, and large-scale business entities employ IT customer support solutions from well-established technology service providers like Salesforce to improve customer experience. For a business to thrive in this 21st century, key technological solutions must be implemented; they include the following:


1. Building Highly-Responsive Websites

What does it mean to have a responsive website? For a website to be classified as being responsive, it should be able to adapt to any screen resolution or size. Do you remember those days when you had to scroll sideways on your screen to view certain web content? How frustrating was it? Customers find it difficult to stay longer on nonresponsive websites. To actively engage customers online, your website needs to be responsive.

2. Providing Cloud-Based Service

Presently, several corporations are migrating from running IT departments and infrastructures to cloud-based technology. Unlike the IT infrastructures that are more complex and expensive to run, cloud services from Fort Lauderdale are inexpensive and provide more flexibility for companies. Customers’ information is stored in the cloud and then accessed remotely by customer support operators to provide top-notch solutions. With this technology in place, business owners can connect more with consumers.

3. Implementing Better Security Infrastructure

As much as customer engagement is important to business growth, security is important to building customers’ trust. Customers are more drawn to businesses with secured operational platforms. A breach in a company’s security system can expose customers’ information and incur huge losses for the firm. This puts the customers at risk, thereby reducing engagement and loyalty. To avoid this dilemma, business owners need to secure their business using tested and trusted security systems.

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