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Environmentally Friendly

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How To Be More Environmentally Friendly In Your Home

The Earth has been deteriorating for a long time, and we’re reaching a point where the planet will no longer be viable. However, we still have the chance to save and conserve the environment. As much as governments worldwide vow to make a change, it is up to us as individuals to build a better world for future generations to come.

From learning how to reduce your carbon footprint to simply recycling, you can do many small and large things to be more environmentally friendly in your home. Most of the examples in this article are inexpensive and easy to implement into your daily routine. 

Learn About your Carbon Footprint

A carbon footprint calculates the amount of greenhouse gas we emit in our everyday lives. It is basically a measurement of your household’s impact on the environment. Everything you do can affect your carbon footprint, so it’s essential to look at the bigger picture when you’re trying to go green. Then, as you continue to make more eco-friendly choices, you can keep measuring your footprint to see how far you’ve come. 

Start Composting Food and Yard Waste

A compost pile is a natural fertilizer made from yard waste, food scraps, and water. Composting is incredibly easy, and it doesn’t have to stink. If done correctly, using the proper containers, your compost pile will not attract pests or smell bad. Once it’s ready, you can use it for gardening or fertilizing the grass. 

However, if you don’t garden or tend to the yard much, you can still compost. Most community gardens have a compost pile of their own. So you can save your scraps in the freezer and then donate them to the local garden weekly. Many find this option favorable since they’re contributing to a community resource.

Switch to Solar Power

Solar power presents many benefits. First of all, it’s better for the environment, and the sun continually produces energy while oil reserves keep falling. Going solar is the simplest if you’re looking for an easy way to improve your environmental impact since you won’t have to adjust your daily routine to accommodate the change.

On top of being low-maintenance, solar energy will save you money on utilities. Plus, government-funded programs make green energy more accessible if you can’t afford installation costs. On top of that, there are tax incentives that can cut down your bill from Uncle Sam significantly each year. 

Reuse and Recycle

Shopping at thrift stores for lightly-used items is a great way to save the environment and money. So many people throw things away instead of donating, unnecessarily contributing to nasty landfills. By donating your items and buying donated products, you reduce the need for energy-wasting manufacturing. Plus, you’ll help to create more jobs at local thrift stores, in turn contributing to the local economy. 

Another way to contribute to reusability is to sign up for recycling service. Recycling is an easy change to make since you’re just throwing some of your trash into a different bin. 

Use Less Disposable Products

Disposable products make up much of the Earth’s litter and landfills. By ditching paper towels and sticking with washable ones, you minimize the amount of waste produced. However, you also increase the amount of water needed to clean your laundry every week. So it’s best to measure which option is the least harmful to the environment before choosing. The best reusable products are the ones that are energy-efficient all the way around. 

For instance, if you’re a person who gets periods, you could consider switching to a menstrual cup or washable pads. Or, if your child is still wearing diapers, you could also consider switching to cloth. However, for the sake of convenience, there are biodegradable options that will reduce water usage and your carbon footprint at the same time.

Go Digital

Some corporations are trying their best to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, and we can help them as individuals. By switching to paperless invoicing, you reduce your carbon footprint and the company’s as well. 

There are several ways to go digital, though. For example, instead of printing and filing documents, you can switch to a cloud-based service, such as Google Drive or Dropbox, to manage your paperwork. Plus, moving your files online makes them more accessible when you need to use them. 

You don’t have to throw out your daily routine to go green. There are many ways it can make your life easier. On top of becoming more environmentally friendly in your home, you can save money and time by making simple adjustments to reduce your carbon footprint. 

If stopping the use of all disposable and paper products sounds overwhelming, you can simply switch to biodegradable options and start recycling and composting. Several of the options listed in this article merely require you to throw your waste in separate containers. Plus, you’ll find that every small change you make adds up to make the most impact. 

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