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Best Open Source ERP Software


10 Best Open Source ERP Software Systems For 2022

ERP, often known as enterprise resource planning, is a comprehensive set of tools designed to handle different business activities for an organization. An ERP is created with the purpose of successfully integrating different corporate systems while streamlining the procedures for greater productivity and efficiency. However, purchasing a reliable ERP requires a significant investment of time and money and is not inexpensive. Therefore, in order to automate the ERP software, firms must take a leap of faith and abandon all existing business systems.

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What is Open Source ERP?

When compared to some proprietary software, open-source ERP systems offer more control and freedom of choice. In proprietary software, the vendor either refuses to provide the source code, forcing customers to rely only on what the seller offers or to pay the vendor more money for any necessary bespoke features. Open source ERP software, on the other hand, gives users access to the source code, allowing them to modify it to their needs or create any additional features they might need.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Open Source ERP System

Although an open-source ERP system has many advantages, it also undoubtedly has certain drawbacks. Let’s quickly review some benefits and drawbacks of open source ERP software;


  • Low Cost

The open-source ERP system doesn’t require any licensing for the source code, as implied by the name. It makes it considerably simpler for companies to self-host the system without requiring vendor help. However, consumers can choose suppliers that provide “software as a service” if they need help managing the system (SaaS). Businesses can get complete service and support for ERP systems from vendors like Folio3 and others, making it simpler for clients to maintain and utilize the system’s full capabilities.

  • Highly Scalable

The ERP system is a substantial investment that uses a lot of resources and money, as we have said. Therefore, it’s crucial for organizations to take into account both current and future needs while deploying ERP Software for the Agriculture Industry. That’s because adding or changing an existing system incurs high re-implementation costs. That’s not a concern with an open-source ERP system, though. It is simpler for enterprises to modify and scale the solution as they expand if they have access to the source code.

  • Customization

Businesses don’t have to rely on standard functionality or pay extra for customisation when they have direct access to the source code. Instead of relying on providers, companies may always alter the functionality to suit their needs.

  • Community Support

Users of open-source ERP software may rely on a robust and active user community, just like with any open-source initiative. Strong community support has the advantage of being open and cost-free. Every significant open source ERP system has a sizable and vibrant community that can be trusted for a quick and transparent fix to any system faults or to obtain customized features.


  • Expert IT Team

An ERP system’s implementation requires a lot of resources, as we already discussed. Without assistance from specialized ERP Dynamics AX business intelligence software solutions like Folio3, which provides support as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) service, businesses without an experienced IT department may find it difficult to implement the system on their own.

  • Overly Complex

The complexity of ERP implementation projects is inherent, and it increases when using open-source ERP software. Free implementation and more customisation may seem alluring on the surface, but if not managed carefully by professionals, things can easily spiral out of control.

  • Increased Risk

There aren’t many well-known and dependable open source ERP providers on the market. Working with unstable vendors who might close their doors at any point is therefore always riskier.

  • Lack of Proprietary Engineering

When compared to proprietary software, open-source ERP software significantly lacks established and tested systems. Proprietary engineering is used to create proprietary software, ensuring high system uptime and minimal failure rates. There are no established systems using open source ERP software that can cause more failures or downtime.

Types of open source ERP

Different kinds of open-source ERP software are available. Different components of the business are handled by each type of software. Open-source ERP can be categorized into three primary groups based on the functions and roles, including;

  • Generalist ERP:

The majority of open-source ERP programs on the market are of broad character. These systems are built to adjust to various processes used in various sectors. Additionally, such ERP software provides more integration and customization tools to accommodate the various needs of enterprises. In contrast to vertical ERP systems, generalist ERP may be missing some of the more sophisticated industry-specific functions.

  • Vertical ERP:

Vertical ERP software, as opposed to generalist ERP, is for specific industries, such as construction, retail, supermarkets, and others. Although less popular than generalist ERP software, these systems provide advanced functionalities that allow businesses to fully automate all company operations and systems.

  • Small Business ERP:

Small business ERP is available as on-premises or cloud-based solutions. Since it is primarily for small organizations, this kind of ERP software typically has fewer functions.

What are the benefits of ERP?

Let’s look at some of the more notable advantages of an ERP system now that we are aware of the kind of open-source ERP system;

  • Focused IT Costs

Even while the ERP system may have a high implementation cost, once it is in place, it may greatly reduce IT costs for business operations while also improving efficiency. An efficient ERP system eliminates the need for huge teams, specialized people, and infrastructure to operate different systems because one ERP system can address all of these concerns.

  • Greater Visibility

The ability to fully access all the essential data & information needed to manage day-to-day business operations and make wise business decisions is perhaps the biggest advantage of the ERP system for business owners.

  • Enhanced Reporting and Planning

Along with improved visibility, the ERP system provides firms with improved reporting and planning options. Business leaders can more easily obtain interactive and thorough reporting from various business functions through a unified dashboard by installing an ERP suite for farmers and various business processes. This not only enables them to spot potential weak points but also to act swiftly to minimize them.

10 Best Open Source ERP Software Systems For 2022

Techinweb has brought some of the best open source ERP software, lets’s have a look at the list given below.

1. Odoo


One of the most well-liked and well-known open source ERP systems is Odoo. The software provides an integrated suite of applications with several modules for project management, billing, inventory management, manufacturing, accounting, and finance, among other things. While we previously discussed the inherent complexity of ERP systems, Odoo is one piece of software that was created with the client experience and simplicity in mind.

2. Metasfresh


Another well-known open-source ERP program that lives up to its name by maintaining “fresh” code is Metasfresh. The system has a potent, dynamic, and user-friendly ERP solution. To meet their needs, small and medium-sized firms can afford Metasfresh, an ERP solution. Users can easily self-host the system and use it for nothing. With support for Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android among other popular operating systems, Metasfresh is a product of Metas GmbH.

3. ADempiere


A well-known open-source ERP system geared toward small and medium-sized businesses is called ADempiere. Compiere ERP Software established the project in 2006. The Italian word “ADempiere” means “accomplish” or “satisfy,” which perfectly captures the core of the software’s ability to provide users with a variety of features intended to boost productivity.

4.  Apache OFBiz

Apache OFBiz

Because Apache OFBiz is built using a standard architecture, users can more easily alter the system to suit their needs. The system is designed for medium to big firms and has a number of functions to support internal development resources. This makes it simple for companies to connect the system with their current infrastructure and operational procedures. Official sources claim that for more than a decade, Apache OFBiz has been the company’s best-performing application.

5. Dolibarr


Dolibarr targets small and medium-sized organizations and provides users with end-to-end management solutions. Invoicing, payments, document management, contracts, support for POS systems, orders, inventories, and other functions are some of the ones provided by the system. Dolibarr has an interactive and simple user interface, making it simpler for users to utilize all of its features. Dolibarr is available both online and in the add-ons store, where users can buy software to make use of more complex features and functionalities.

6. Tryton


Tryton has significantly enhanced its features and appeals over time. Users of the Tryton can only install and use the modules they actually require because of its modular design. Users can easily start using the system’s numerous functionalities thanks to the abundance of online assistance resources. Once it is prepared, companies can obtain the source code from the project’s Mercurial repository and install the product using a Docker Image. The system’s source code has a GPLv3 license.

7. Axelor ERP

Axelor ERP

Axelor ERP is one of the most reliable and completely open-source ERP programs on the market, and it has over 20 components. The interactive interface of Axelor ERP is one of the most simple and user-friendly interfaces, setting it apart from all of its rivals. The extensive list of system components is interactively paned on the left side of the window, allowing users to quickly access all the features they need with only a few clicks.

8. xTuple PostBooks

xTuple PostBooks

xTuple PostBooks is the best ERP solution if you are a small business owner running a manufacturing, distribution, or online store and have outgrown your resources. The open-source ERP solution comes with strong functionality and options to automate a variety of business activities and assist firms in efficiently managing all operations. The technology is available under the Common Public Attribution License (CPAL), which invites developers to modify it and come up with unique solutions.

9. NetSuite


It is not necessary to introduce NetSuite ERP. It is one of the most well-known and commonly-used ERP systems, mostly serving large businesses. In reality, it provides a remarkable fusion of engineering and management capabilities. Making it the unchallenged leader in ERP solutions for large businesses. It is possible to use NetSuite as a cloud-hosted, Open-API-based application on all of the main operating systems. Including Windows, iOS, macOS, Android, and others.



Another open-source ERP system that gives organizations access to a variety of features and functionalities is inoERP. The system primarily targets small and medium-sized organizations and came using a common architecture. A built-in content management system is also available, and it can be accessed from any desktop, laptop, or mobile device.


These are some of the top open-source ERP systems for 2022, so there you have it. As we already discussed, a properly designed ERP system can significantly boost a company’s production and efficiency while also lowering the cost of running the firm day to day.

Therefore, if you haven’t already done so, it’s time to spend money on setting up an open-source ERP system that is trustworthy and comprehensive and can keep you one step ahead of the competition.

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