Browser-Based Tools That Everyone Needs In Their Lives

As we move towards an online world, every person needs to update their web-based tools in order to stay ahead of the curve. In this article, we’ve listed down some of the best ones you can bookmark and download, so that when the time comes that you need the exact tool, you won’t have to search the Internet high and low for it.

An online PDF editor

PDF editing is one of the most common administrative jobs that you can now do with browser-based applications. There are numerous online PDF editors you can use, but PDF Bear’s suite of applications is a cut above the rest. Whether you want to convert PDF to Office-based formats like Word, Excel, and Powerpoint, delete PDF pages, even password protect and encrypt it, you can find the right tool from PDF Bear’s application suite.

PDF editors should be a mainstay in your online tool bookmark list because you’ll never know the exact time and place that you’ll need it. So knowing its usages irregularity, it’s good long-term thinking to store the links in a dedicated bookmark folder.

Screen sharing app for video calls

Whether you are a businessman trying to communicate with your employees from around the world, or a student needing to share a presentation to the class, having great screen-sharing apps for when you present is necessary. Nowadays, most video calling applications can screen share what’s on your screen, but it still depends on your device.

So if you’re looking for an online alternative, a free screen sharing browser-based app should fit in for the job nicely. Some of these free screen-sharing apps can share your screen to up to 96 people at a time, so go ahead and make that work for you.

A web-based tool for improving presentations

Another must-have in this world of online classes for students and teachers is an online tool to improve presentations. While the use of default presentation and keynote apps on your device is still recommended, with online tools like SlideRocket, you can easily and seamlessly share presentations without setting everything up.
An online tool that collects information for you
Small businesses need to have a suggestion box system that you run for your website. This will give you insight into the people visiting your site, what they look for, and how you can improve to serve these visitors better. There’s an online tool that you can use to collect information from your visitors like Formstack. Give it a try and see if it fits your need.

A cloud-subscription storage program

You can’t overstate the importance of cloud-based storage these days. Among the online tools listed here, this probably holds the most weight. Fortunately, for most people who have a Gmail account, you are automatically enrolled in the GDrive suite from Google. The basic cloud storage program from it should suffice for most individuals, but when you are a business, you’ll probably need to get a Google Business Apps subscription.

If you want another cloud-based storage program, you can, of course, do that as well. Just make sure that the program you are getting has great value and a backup program. It also makes sense to have your cloud storage sync with your work files. There’s nothing more stressing when your work files don’t automatically sync with the cloud-based storage program you are paying for.


You can do so much with these listed programs, from editing PDFs on the go to making sure that your art or even business transactions are secured, and in the cloud, you’ll never go wrong with web-based tools. So go ahead – take the plunge and give these tools a trial and error now!

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